Climate change is caused by human activities and is threatening the way we live and the future of our planet. By addressing climate change, we can build a sustainable world for everyone. But we need to act now. ICCA is committed to taking urgent action to tackle climate change and its impacts.

Chemical-based products and technologies support the fight against climate change through applications such as renewable energy sources, electric and high-efficiency vehicles and building materials that reduce energy consumption.

Chemistry is the backbone of the energy efficient products and technologies that help enable a more sustainable future. The downstream use of the products downstream and in other sectors can help save more energy and emissions than are required to produce them.

Nearly all renewable energy sources and technologies – wind, solar, natural gas, new battery technologies and more – depend on innovations in chemistry to become more efficient, affordable and scalable.

Chemical innovations enable breakthrough technologies in energy generation, storage, recovery and alternative fuels, providing end-user products that contribute to a low-carbon society.

Chemistry enables the capture and use of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide as raw materials for innovative new chemistries used in high performance products like coatings, adhesives and foams.

ICCA has developed multiple energy technology roadmaps, life cycle assessment tools and case studies to help businesses up and down the value chain realize new gains in energy efficiency, while also reducing the environmental footprint of their operations.

The Paris Agreement is designed to curb greenhouse gas emissions and mobilize global political will to address the climate change challenge. Successful implementation of the Paris Agreement hinges in large part on contributions from the private sector. For global chemical manufacturers, that means continuing to do what we do best: innovate. Innovation requires a consistent, supportive policy and regulatory environment to reach its full potential and to allow industry to develop and implement solutions to address global sustainability challenges.