Plastic Makers Support Global Agreement to End Plastic Waste

A new global agreement should be underpinned by 5 key elements for a global framework to end plastic waste. These elements will help solve plastics leakage while enabling the benefits of plastics to achieve a lower carbon and more sustainable future.

Inventory and Evaluation of Publicly Available Sources of Information on Hazards and Risks of Industrial Chemicals

Regulatory authorities from developing countries have expressed a need for guidance in locating environmental, health and safety (EHS) information on industrial chemicals. In response, possible sources were identified via a search of the Internet using relevant terms and by soliciting suggestions from more than 200 knowledgeable stakeholders. This initially identified greater than 100 databases, 41 of which were chosen for further profiling and analysis based on their size and comprehensiveness.

ICCA Joins High Ambition Alliance

As the worldwide voice of the chemical industry, ICCA is committed to making meaningful progress, in cooperation with governments and other stakeholders, to enhance the safe management of chemicals and waste around the globe.