Expertise in Action: ICCA’s Product Stewardship Pioneers Circumnavigate the Globe for Sound Chemicals Management
If you haven’t had a chance to attend one of the 172 capacity building workshops across 46 countries ICCA sponsored over the past decade, it may be difficult to picture exactly what we mean by collaborating for safer worldwide chemicals management and driving performance excellence around the world. If so, this collection of photos from our colleagues in Japan and Southeast Asia should help illustrate what Expertise in Action looks like.
(Keep in mind – we’ve also sponsored workshops in Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and Europe!)
To maintain our forward momentum toward reaching the SAICM 2020 goal, we must continue to invest our resources, time and expertise in areas where the greatest progress can be made. ICCA members believe our nearly US $2 million investment in helping governments improve the way they manage chemicals has been very well spent.
And when you really think about it, no investment can be too large or to small when you’re helping to lay a foundation for environmental health and economic and social and economic growth around the world.
The Japan Chemical Industry Association (JCIA) has nearly 180 member companies, with 80 organizations engaged in the manufacturing and handling of chemical products and related services. For almost 60 years, JCIA has pursued activities that have raised the standards of Japan’s chemical industry and contributed to the country’s economic prosperity.
As a Responsible Care partner, JCIA engages in voluntary global initiatives designed to help safeguard human health and the environment. Regional meetings like the ones pictured below aim to facilitate communications between chemical companies and local communities where their plants are located. The meetings are held biannually in 15 regions.

The chemical industry in Indonesia is experiencing a growth spurt. Between 2010 and 2025, the industrial sector is expected to grow 10 percent per year, accounting for up to 40 percent of national output.
To ensure this healthy economic growth can be managed safely, Responsible Care Indonesia (RCI) has hosted several Capacity Building and Training programs with the support of local government agencies, relevant Ministries and international partners.

The chemical sector in the Philippines has grown into a viable and robust industry, and steady growth continues as the national economy develops and the local market for consumer and industrial products expands. There are now over 300 companies in the Philippines engaged in the manufacture of industrial chemicals and chemical products. More than one-third are among the country’s top 1,000 corporations.
The Chemical Industries Association of the Philippines, known as SPIK (Samahan sa Pilipinas ng Industriyang Kimika), was formed in 1977. SPIK has more than 60 members from diverse chemical sectors, including service providers, traders, ISO certifying groups, and storage and distribution firms.
In May 2015, SPIK sponsored a Global Product Strategy workshop in the Philippines. The workshop covered ICCA GPS risk assessment guidance for improving global industry performance and for assessing the risk of chemical mixtures; provided a status report on SAICM in the Philippines; instructed participations on how to prepare a GPS safety summary for publishing to the GPS Chemicals Portal; and more.
Thailand’s chemical industry plays an essential supporting role to many other industries. The Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) Chemical Industry Club (CIC) was established 31 years ago and has nearly 150 members making it the second biggest sector group in FTI. It includes five subgroups: Agro-Chemicals, Basic Chemicals, Paints & Dyestuffs, Soaps & Detergents, and Other Chemicals.
CIC is closely involved in chemicals management and chemical safety programs as well as promotion of the ICCA’s Responsible Care program through the Responsible Care Management Committee of Thailand. CIC also participates in meetings with all levels of government and other organizations for policy formulation and regulation implementation.
In May 2015, FTI and Thailand’s Department of Industrial Works (DIW) sponsored a Global Product Strategy workshop. The workshop covered ICCA GPS risk assessment guidance for improving global industry performance and for assessing the risk of chemical mixtures; provided a status report on SAICM in Thailand; instructed participants on how to prepare a GPS safety summary for publishing to the GPS Chemicals Portal, and more.
The Singapore Chemical Industry Council (SCIC) is one of our Responsible Care® partners helping to build a bridge to sound chemicals management. The SCIC hosted this industry community outreach program for members of the public in 2014. Officers from several government agencies, including the National Environment Agency and the Singapore People’s Association, participated in the event.
ExxonMobil, one of many SCIC member companies, hosted a plant visit on Jurong Island, the petrochemical hub of Singapore. Many of the residents living near the island were given an opportunity to visit one of the chemical plants on site to gain a better understanding of the work they do there and the team effort made to ensure safety and security of their staff and the local community.
SCIC already has plans to organize a similar event in November with leaders from other nearby districts interested in learning more about industry’s commitment to environmental health, safety and security performance.
The Chemical Industries Council of Malaysia (CICM), established in 1978, has more than 100 members, including manufacturers, traders, distributors and companies providing services to the chemical industry.
CICM is the Malaysian steward for Responsible Care, which launched in the country in 1994. The picture below features Dr. Salmaan Hussain of PETRONAS presenting at a Global Product Strategy Risk Assessment workshop in September 2014.
Cambodia is a developing country committing to improving the way it manages chemicals. This picture was taken at a June 2014 capacity building workshop in conjunction with Responsible Care.