New Plastic Additives Database to Enhance Transparency, Confidence in Chemicals Management
Busan, Republic of Korea (25 November 2024) – During the adoption of the Global Framework on Chemicals (GFC) at the fifth session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM 5) in 2023, the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) made a commitment to increase transparency of chemical products, including those additives used in plastics. Today we are excited to announce the release of version 1 of ICCA’s Plastics Additives Database. This database will allow governments, regulators, and relevant stakeholders to search and find important health and safety information about the chemicals that are used in plastics.
Plastics play a vital role in the global economy from food preservation to medicine to consumer technologies. Without plastics, many of the world’s innovations would not be possible. We also understand that many people have questions about chemical additives and their safety. Chemical manufacturers must comply with rigorous safety standards set by national and international governing bodies, and ICCA’s Plastic Additives Database is a one-of-a-kind tool that can help enhance transparency, confidence, and support the sound management of additives used in plastic.
ICCA’s Plastics Additives Database is the only resource on plastic additives with industry-verified data about an additive’s commercial use. Additionally, it consolidates dispersed sources and scattered data on thousands of additives, bringing it all together in one place. Such information includes an additive’s function, use, chemical identity, physical and chemical properties, hazard classifications, and regulatory determinations and registrations by governments around the globe. By compiling these details into one user-friendly source, regulators will be able to quickly and easily access the insights they need to help inform their regulatory decisions on plastic additives.
This initiative underscores ICCA’s long-term commitment to transparency and collaboration in advancing the sound management of chemicals. Additionally, ICCA’s work on the Plastics Additives Database aligns with the second strategic objective of the GFC, which calls for comprehensive information to be generated and made available to enable informed decisions and actions by governments and regulators.
“ICCA is committed to being a strong partner with government regulators and the global community,” said Chris Jahn, ICCA council secretary. “This commitment drove us to develop a comprehensive database and to donate one million euros to support the Global Framework on Chemicals Fund. We believe in science-based regulation to safeguard public health and the environment, and we are following through on our promises. Our industry will continue to share its expertise with stakeholders in the chemicals management community.”
To contribute authoritative substance information, CAS supplied CAS Registry Numbers® to ICCA’s Plastics Additives Database. “CAS supports the work of both regulators and the regulated community by providing trustworthy scientific information to support sound, science-based decision making,” said Manuel Guzman, president of CAS.
This database represents the first phase of an ongoing project to enhance chemical profiles with industry-verified data on additives used in plastics. Future versions will include more chemicals and additional information on them, including links to publicly available risk assessments.
Learn more about ICCA’s Plastic Additives Database, including a video preview and walkthrough of the database. Governments, regulators, academia and other relevant stakeholders may register to access the database at
International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA)
The International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) is an association of innovators, visionaries, solutions providers and product stewardship pioneers. Through ongoing innovation in chemistry and the constant improvement of safe chemicals management, the global chemical industry makes a significant contribution to a sustainable society: improving human health, protecting the environment, and delivering prosperity worldwide.
For more information please contact:
Matthew Kastner ( | +1 202-961-0634)