ICCA Contributes Solutions to Tackling The Global Challenge To Clean Up Our Planet And #Beatpollution
UN Environment is calling on governments, businesses, civil society organizations, and any other interested groups or institutions to join the fight to #BeatPollution.
Read more about ICCA’s committment to tackle this global challenge.
About ICCA
The International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) represents chemical manufacturers and producers around the world. We are the worldwide voice of the chemical industry with our members accounting for more than 90 percent of global chemical sales, and more than 20 million employees around the world. We help the chemical industry by tackling global issues and helping the industry improve continuously.
ICCA Commits to #BeatPollution
ICCA is an association of innovators, visionaries, solutions providers, and product stewardship pioneers. Above all, we are optimists. What others see as challenges, we see as opportunities to solve some of the world’s biggest problems.
As part of the third UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-3), the UN Environment Program (UN Environment) has called upon governments, businesses, civil society organizations, and other interested groups or institution to join the fight to beat pollution (#BeatPollution). Their commitments range from policy initiatives and new programs, to research and innovation activities.
Representing the global chemical industry, ICCA is tackling this global challenge to clean up our planet and #BeatPollution.
Our Commitment
Today, we face some of the world’s greatest sustainability challenges. Clean water, shelter, healthcare, and a safe, abundant food supply is needed for the over 7 billion of us on the planet. And with more than 1 billion more coming in just the next ten years it is critical to make significant contributions to a sustainable society. Fortunately, as our footprint on the planet has expanded, so too has our command of science. And at the center of all scientific progress, it is the innovative people and products of chemistry that are proving essential to creating solutions to #BeatPullution.
As part of our everyday lives, chemistry is essential for sustainable development. To realize the benefits of chemistry, we must handle chemicals safely. This is why, ICCA commits to combatting pollution by expanding our Responsible Care program to continuously reduce emissions and increase global capacity to manage chemicals safely. Responsible Care is a voluntary performance system implemented through 6 management Codes of Practice (Pollution Prevention; Community Awareness and Emergency Response; Process Safety; Distribution; Employee Health & Safety; and, Product Stewardship) for continuous improvement of environmental, health, safety and security performance. As such, Responsible Care is the foundation for the industry’s contributions to sustainable development.
ICCA implements Responsible Care to continuously improve the sound chemicals management globally, with a particular focus on reducing emissions. The RC Pollution Prevention Code focuses on reducing contaminants and pollutants released to air, water, and land, as well as the amount of waste generated at facilities. Through Responsible Care, ICCA conducts capacity building initiatives, demonstrating best practices in safe waste management, reduction of air, land, waterway and ocean pollution, and sustainable development.
What We’ve Accomplished Thus Far
Since 2006, ICCA has delivered more than 220 capacity building workshops for domestic and international industry, regulators, and local authorities. With the support of ICCA, 62 associations have implemented Responsible Care in 67 countries; these associations support local member companies in safely handling chemicals, improving operations, and reducing emissions.
Additionally, the chemical industry has generated a significant set of toxicological data on chemicals in commerce to increase knowledge and facilitate risk assessments, thereby promoting the safe handling of chemicals.
What Our Commitment Will Achieve by 2030
Our approach is to expand upon ICCA’s Responsible Care program and capacity building initiatives. In doing so, ICCA commits to working with members to achieve the following:
- Continuously improve environmental, health, safety, and security performance
- Report on industry emissions (including through the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management)
- Expand Responsible Care to five countries lacking chemicals management infrastructure by establishing local associations
- Deepen Responsible Care implementation in China and India, as Asia accounts for more than 60 percent of global chemicals production
- Support 30 capacity-building workshops every year
- Develop computer-based trainings to reach small- and medium-sized enterprises
- Generate toxicological data on issues of human and environmental concern
- Innovate products and technologies that require less raw material, contribute to emission reduction, enable recycling/reuse, and reduce waste
Chemistry is at the heart of the solution for beating pollution. Chemistry is essential for the future and achieving an outcome of greater sustainability and a cleaner environment. Whether it be a reduction in greenhouse gases or clean energy or preserving our precious natural resources, chemistry is what the world needs to #BeatPollution.